Money can buy you a lot of things but if you don't have your health, it cannot buy you happiness. John Cauldwell speaks in this video about his son and his psychiatric symptoms that develops after being infected with Lyme disease. He talks about how hard it was to get a diagnosed and how he plans to help the Lyme community in the future.
Conny Johnson
23/10/2015 10:15:12 am
I was a volunteer firefighter, computer tech, wildlife rescuer, and artist. I am now nothing! I lost my health, home, ability to afford the IV antibiotics, now have PTSD (also untreated) severe trauma. Crippled 11 yrs now, and have been unable to get the IV treatment since I figured out my own illness, then went to a LLMD to get dx, but couldn't ever afford to get the LLMDs treatment by then. We traced the infection to my childhood. I am sure you have been bombarded with requests from ppl for help. I am down to 90lbs and now don't have a doctor who will help me. I am not normally an asker, I am so used to doing, or running into the fire/fight. This time (or flare) for 5 months, I have been begging for help! I understand that you can't help everyone. But maybe instead of spending money on the same thing all these other foundations spend it on, education, research, and training all important things, but being done already. Is there anyway you could make your help more direct to actual sick ppl? We are ignored, my whole family is infected too, but my cousin and I were the lucky ones to get crippled by it. I wish this was private bc I feel like an idiot asking you to give up your hard earned money to help me a nothing. But I am really wondering if this is my last chance or if I dont get help I feel I may die this time. Every flare, I start from a weaker position, so this one has hit me very hard. I am begging you, unfortunately in public, to help me? PLEASE? And help the other many people in the same situation? PLEASE? I hate myself for this public comment but I want to live. I lost my 40s. Pray daily I could just play with my grandkids, having missed their whole lives so far! 1 more time PLEASE HELP US DIRECTLY instead of the other way?
26/10/2015 11:32:20 am
I wanted to apologize for my stupid post above. I guess posting terrifies is kind of equal to posting drunk. So if you can, please just delete my panicky posted and I am sorry for my idiocy!
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